In this USA Today article , A World Where Grades Will Be Left Behind, Professor Sebestian Thrun explained and discussed the future of teaching and learning in the education profession. The type of teaching and learning he sees for the future involves using a high tech experiment he created called Udacity. The Udacity experiment was created to revolutionize education.
In the USA Today article, Professor Thrun claimed that the Udacity method will be free and available to anyone who wants to learn. He also claimed in this type of learning students will no longer be tardy, and failure will not be an option. Other details of the method involves the removal of grades which has been "the failure of the education system", according to Professor Thrun. Also, better classroom capacity control will be accessible. In Professor Thrun words, "there will be no more one-size fits all."
I agree that it will revolutionize education and prepare students to use technology as a learning tool. As a result, it will better prepare students for jobs and careers in the future. Also, the world is becoming more technology centered and I think the students will benefit from the Udacity method.
On the other side of the argument, I do not know if all the students will be able to grasp that type of learning. Also, the resources that are required for this method will be expansive and the issues he referred to in his blog will still remain. Whether in a traditional or technology based teaching method there is still going to be people not performing to their fullest potential, turning in assignments late and etc.
Nevertheless, I applaud his effort on creating the program. I really admired his creativity and I will like to see the experiment implemented to see the affect that it will have on the education profession.
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